Fox News has lost one of its famous reporters accredited with setting the agenda for US Conservatives: Tucker Carlson. However, after an investigation led by Dominion Voting Systems, it seems that the US Conservatives were setting the agenda for the cable TV host.
Dominion Voting Systems sued Fox News for $1.6 billion claiming that the news outlet discredited the voting company’s reputation by fostering conspiracy theories that claimed that the company purposefully meddled in the results of the election so as to favor now-President Joe Biden.
Dominion representatives claimed, “Fox knew the truth. . . It knew the allegations against Dominion were ‘outlandish’ and ‘crazy’ and ‘ludicrous’ and ‘nuts.’ Yet it used the power and influence of its platform to promote that false story.” The case was a source of great embarrassment for the news outlet and many questioned whether reporters such as Tucker Carlson would have to testify.
However, this did not end up being the case, rather Carlson and some of his colleagues were forced to release messages sent between themselves regarding their work. This, nevertheless, proved to be detrimental to the reporters’ careers; the messages blatantly displayed how the reporters knew that the news they were stating lacked evidence to substantiate it.
Carlson’s text showed how different his public and private viewpoints were. “I hate him passionately . . . We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn’t an upside to Trump.”
Carlson’s departure from Fox News helped settle the Dominion lawsuit in which Fox News was forced to pay $787 million. This amount was paid so that the news outlet would not have to undergo a trial which inevitably would have found Fox News guilty of promoting lies regarding the election. All in all, Tucker Carlson was forced to leave Fox News because he was guilty of promoting lies about the election, lies which he and his colleagues knew were untrue.
By: Niharika Rajeev