By: Sam

- 26th, 1914 – Establishment of Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
- 26th, 1960 – The first televised Presidential debate occurs between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon.
- 27th, 1789 – The U.S. Postal Service was founded.
- 27th, 1821 – Mexico gains full independence from Spain
- 27th, 1937 – The Bali tiger goes extinct. Native to the Indonesian island of Bali, the Bali Tiger was made extinct due to human activities and hunting.
- 27th, 1964 – The Warren Commission Report was issued stating a lone gunman had been responsible for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas.
- 28th, 1542 – California was discovered by Portuguese navigator Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo upon his arrival at San Diego Bay.
- 8th, 1928 Alexander Fleming Discovers Penicillin
- 29th, 1789 – Congress created the United States Army, consisting of 1,000 enlisted men and officers.
- 29th, 1829 – London’s Metropolitan Police becomes the first official police department in the world.
- 29th, 1950 – Bell Laboratories invents the telephone answering machine.
- 30th, 1981 – Sandra Day O’Connor becomes first female U.S. Supreme Court justice in history
- 30th, 2009 – Earthquake Sumatra

- 1st, 1949 – People’s Republic of China established
- 1st, 1971 – Walt Disney World Resort near Orlando Florida opened.
- 1st, 1971 – First CT or CAT brain scan performed, at Atkinson Morley Hospital in Wimbledon, London.
- 4th, 1582 – The Gregorian Calendar was introduced.
- 4th, 1957 – The Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial Earth satellite as part of the Soviet space program
- 5th, 1880 – The first ball-point pen is patented on this day by Alonzo T. Cross.
- 5th, 1947 – US President Harry S Truman delivers the first televised White House address.
- 5th, 1962 – The first James Bond film debuts
- 7th, 1996 – Fox News Channel begins broadcasting
- 7th, 2001 – US invasion of Afghanistan in reaction to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 begins
- 8th, 1922 – Lilian Gatlin becomes the first woman pilot to fly across the United States.
- 8th, 2001 – US President George W. Bush establishes the Office of Homeland Security
- 9th, 1888 – The Washington Monument, designed by Robert Mills, opens to the public
- 9th, 1949 – Harvard Law School begins admitting women.