Thinker's Chronicle

Fate’s Play –– Poetry

Sakshi Agashe

Fate’s Play

‘O cruel fate you lie with such versed ease
You pierce my heart yet proclaim yourself innocent 
Tying my feet you open the cage as if to tease
You dare me dream a dream of a sky so magnificent

Yet plunge me back into the fog of responsibilities 
You ask me stone or fire as if it will make a difference 
When pain is certain then why these superficialities 
Still you insist on bitter play, giving false assurance

You etch your lines on my palm then pretend them to be invisible 
Act as if it were a child’s anger, gone within a fleeting moment 
And then viciously regard my attempts to go astray risible 
Knowing well it only be possible if you were not my opponent

If I am to be Oedipus then let me be tainted in blood too 
If it be inevitable then give me the strength to face you