Thinker's Chronicle

Changing Seasons

The seasons change

As the days start to wane,

Transforming from summer to fall.

From short-sleeved clothes

To long coats, long robes

Thick sweaters, and pants for all.

It leaves me wondering why

The days went by

Without a hint of change

Because it still feels the same

As those hot summer days,

And doesn’t that seem so strange?

I’m stuck in the past,

I want the fun times to last,

But every new day

Reminds me of change

And new times to come

While I want to stay young.

No, I don’t want to grow.

No, I don’t want to know

What the future beholds

For me.

Why can I not stay

In these carefree days

Where we can laugh and play for weeks?

I’m scared

I’m scared,

That I will not succeed,

And the worry of the future overcomes me.

Then, I take a deep breath, 

And I admire the change

The beauty tells me

I shouldn’t be afraid.

I deal with change every day

And I can do it again today.

Aarya Kacharu